About Us
Are You Tired of Living Paycheck to Paycheck?
Sick of hearing about the work at home opportunities that make money, but can never find anything but SCAMS?How to Make Money From Home Consistently
“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”
~ Bill Gates
Having a
traditional 9-5 job is just not enough to survive these days … in any
area of the country. The cost of living is increasing, while employers
are paying less. It makes no sense, but we are all still left to figure
out ways to SURVIVE IN AMERICA! The time has come to think outside the
box and take advantage of supply and demand from a completely different
approach – making residual money instead of one-time lump sums!
My friend,
I’m not telling you to run out and quit your day job, promising you a
thousand dollars a day overnight. I’m not trying to sell you a $500
product package that gives you a riddle of resources you need to figure
out on your own. I’m giving you the opportunity to choose from several
different, PROVEN, income generating sources that you can take advantage
of, in addition to a team of supporters to help you along the way.
Welcome to
Team Kelso – a network of entrepreneurs that have made making money
from home into a gateway of residual monthly income streams, making
their paycheck-to-paycheck living just memories of the past! Although
the majority of our network professionals are members and Associates of
the MCA Motor Club family, over the years, we have acquired and
established relationships with professionals in a variety of fields and
marketing associations that do not have any affiliation with the MCA
Motor Club.
We welcome
entrepreneurs of all backgrounds and experience levels to join our team
and learn how to optimize their earning potential without quitting
their jobs, changing their fields or altering their focus. You will find
plenty of work at home business opportunities on our Resources Page, as
well as plenty of information and how-to guides on our blog, such as
vital SEO and website optimization tips to help you increase your online
sales conversions.
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